Christian | Classical | Collaborative


Evergreen Classical School is a Christian, distinctively Classical, and uniquely Collaborative private school in The Woodlands, Texas. Below you will find brief descriptions of the core components of our approach to education. For more detailed information about our school and curriculum, we encourage you to explore our website and then consider signing up for an Information Meeting.



Our desire is to create an environment in which the Holy Spirit invites our students to experience the fullness of Christ with their hearts, minds, and bodies. We do this by worshiping the Trinity as image bearers. The common thread that brings life to our lessons and educational experiences is to make much of God . We desire to see things as God sees them in community together as Evergreen staff, students, and parents. 


A Classical education is one that dates back to the Greek and Roman tradition of educating for the purpose of virtue and a life of goodness. The three classical virtues Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are what motivates the pursuit of wisdom.  In the Classical education movement the three liberal arts of the Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric) are used to complement a child’s developmental stages.



Parents and teachers work together through this blended model to pursue the Christian and Classical education. As assistants to parents in educating their children, teachers labor in loco parentis, or "in the place of the parent," on campus days to collaboratively form students. On Tuesdays and Thursdays students enjoy a classroom environment with trained teachers while Wednesdays and Fridays students have instruction with guided lessons and provided curriculum led by the parent (co-teacher).